Pentax SMC Takumar 6×7 90mm f2.8 LS MF Lens
In really nice clean condition.
Comes with back and front caps -Pentax SMC Takumar 6×7 90mm f2.8 LS MF Lens
Shooting modes
There are three shooting modes available with this lens.
1. Ordinary lens
The lens can be used as a regular Takumar 6X7 90mm lens if the lens shutter is not cocked. In this mode settings of the leaf shutter speed ring and “U/S” lever do not matter.
2. Leaf shutter
This mode allows using high-speed flash sync with a shutter speed ranging between 1/30 ~ 1/500 sec. In this mode, “U/S” lever on the lens should be set to the “U” position for “Usual” mode and the camera’s shutter speed dial to 1/8 sec or less while the leaf shutter dial — to the desired speed.
Next, the leaf shutter needs to be cocked and an X-sync cable connected to the flash terminal of the lens for high-speed sync. It is crucial to cock the leaf shutter before each shot. Otherwise, only the camera shutter will be fired, probably at 1/8 sec or slower, depending on your camera’s settings, and the lens will function as an ordinary lens.
Watch this video at a slow speed to see how the leaf shutter fires.
3. Multiple exposure
This mode allows you to expose the same frame multiple times. For shooting in this mode the “U/S” lever on the lens should be set to the “S” position for “Special”. Also, the camera shutter speed dial needs to be set to the special “Time” exposure mode — between 1/1000 sec and X — and the leaf shutter speed dial should be set to the desired speed.
The next step is to cock the leaf shutter and connect a cable release to the lens release socket. Pressing the shutter-release button on the camera leaves its shutter open and fires the leaf shutter of the lens for the first time. Now it is possible to use the cable release connected to the lens to take multiple exposures without advancing the film by cocking the leaf shutter and releasing it with the cable release.
The cocking/releasing procedure may be repeated as many times as required. Turning the camera shutter speed dial back to 1/1000 or X closes the camera’s shutter and ends multiple exposures for this frame.
It is also necessary to note that Takumar 6X7 90mm F2.8 LS is the only lens that makes multi-exposure possible on all revisions of Pentax 6X7/67 cameras. Only Pentax 67II camera has a multi-exposure feature built-in.
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